Akkreditierungen & Mitgliedschaften

Wir sind stolz darauf, die folgenden Zertifizierungen zu besitzen:
ISO 9001

Certified For Quality Management

ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system. It helps businesses and organisations to be more efficient, and improve customer satisfaction.

Certified For Medical Devices Quality Management

ISO 13485 ensures the servicing of medical devices and related services are safe for their intended purpose. (Covering Data Wiping and Management procedures to HMD Infosec Standard 5, Higher Standard).
Cyber Essentials Certified

Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

We are Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certified, the higher of two Government backed certifications to demonstrate IT security, protecting all information held within the business.
gbc accredited

Good Business Charter Accredited

We are an accredited Good Business Charter Employer, recognised for our responsible business practices.
living wage foundation

Member of the Living Wage Foundation

We are an accredited Living Wage Employer, paying a voluntary higher rate of base pay. The Foundation provides a benchmark for responsible employers who choose to pay their employees a rate that meets the basic cost of living in the UK.

Affiliate Member of the Institute of The Healthcare Engineering & Estate Management (IHEEM)


Company Members of The Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine

RHA Logo New

Members of The Road Haulage Association

As a company we hold an International and National Operators Licence